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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    EPNS közleménye az online továbbképzésekről. EPNS a korona virus és a neurológiai betegségek kapcsolatáról.
    [2020.05.13.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Dear members of the EPNS


    Following feedback from our EPNS members, the EPNS Board and the Education & Training Committee will be putting together a library of online educational videos and tools to help our EPNS members access learning material as an addition to the topics covered in the Training Courses. It is envisaged the library will include links to short videos/tools on many different topics. 


    To help us start to set up the library, please take a look at the questions in A and B below and, if you are able to help, send the requested information to info@epns.info before 23 June 2020.


    1. We know there is already a plethora of useful tools out there already, so we would initially like to collect what is already available.

    Examples: Neurological examination, how to assess cranial nerves, muscle strength, coordination, how to perform developmental assessment or how to assess NST in a critically ill patient, etc. etc.  Also, interactive discussions of clinical cases or video explanations on patients, etc. etc., Epileptic Seizures, Movements Disorders, Genetic Syndromes (confirmed by WES).

    1. Do you use any existing useful websites created by reliable sources on Paediatric Neurology topics (online-videos/online-libraries of pictures) which you could recommend to your colleagues in the EPNS?

    If yes, to get an overview on how our members use the videos/tools, please let us know the following details:

    1. Topic covered:
    2. Type of tool, e.g. is it a video of an examination, interactive discussion, explanation, etc.:
    3. Link created/endorsed by:
    4. Website link:
    5. Is a login required?
    6. Is access free?
    7. Why do you recommend this link to your colleagues at the EPNS?
    8. In which context do you use the videos (teaching students/colleagues, teaching of staff, case discussions in team, parent conversation)?


    1. Apart from collecting existing online-sources, we want to build a new EPNS-library of videos not yet accessible but helpful to share among all of us, and steps will be taken to create material about any missing topics.

    Examples: epilepsy, muscle diseases, movement disorder, cerebral palsy, ataxia, dystonia, Tic, tremor, muscular hypotonia, MND, clumsiness, neurologic emergencies, functional (psychosomatic, psychogenic, Somatic Symptom Disorder in DSM 5)) disorders (movement disorders, dissociative attack, etc.), paresis (central/peripheral), neurocutaneous syndromes (pictures), neonatology, neonatal seizures, ,myoclonus, hypotonia in neonates/infants, genetic syndromes), Videos of clinical neurologic exam (neonatal, infant, toddler, school children, adolescents, examination in an emergency), Videos of procedures (e.g. lumbar puncture)

    1. Do you yourself have videos of your patients with neuropediatric diseases, which you could share with the EPNS community to build a EPNS-video library (of course in accordance with privacy security and confidentiality)?
    2. If yes, how many videos (estimated) could you share, and which topic/s do they cover?
    3. If no, in case you do not yet have videos, would you agree to make videos with your group of patients?


    Before creating the library, all material will be screened by EPNS representatives.


    We hope you can help and agree this will be an excellent step forward to reaching out to all our members with easily accessible educational materials. We are extremely grateful for your input and contribution. ‘Together we are Stronger’


    Best wishes

    Ass Prof Coriene Catsman-Berrevoets, Chair EPNS Education and Training Committee, Erasmus MC/Sophia Kinderziekenhuis Rotterdam

    Florian Heinen, Chair EPNS Finance Committee, LMU Munich

    Johanna Wagner, LMU Munich
