Dear EPNS member
If you haven’t already applied, this is a reminder that the EPNS Executive board invites all EPNS Ordinary Members who have paid their 2021 annual EPNS membership fee to consider putting themselves forward as a candidate for membership of the EPNS board for the next four years (January 2022-January 2026). A new EPNS Board is elected by the Ordinary EPNS members every four years.
Why become a member of the EPNS Board?
Each eligible member of the EPNS is encouraged to seriously consider nominating themselves as a candidate. Whilst serving on the EPNS Board requires a significant commitment in terms of time and energy, it is an enriching and exciting journey. Most importantly, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to shaping the future of paediatric neurology in Europe and beyond, while serving a growing, diverse, and vibrant Society. The EPNS Board is eager to represent all interests from as wide a range of countries as possible. The EPNS Board generally meets twice yearly and usually travel costs plus one night’s accommodation is refunded. The functions are non-remunerative.
Am I eligible to be a candidate for the new EPNS Board?
All fully paid-up Ordinary members are entitled to offer themselves for election.
What is the eligibility criterion of an Ordinary Member of the EPNS?
Any physician in Europe trained in paediatric neurology whose main clinical and/or main research activity is in the field of paediatric neurology.
How many EPNS Board members are there?
Under Article 12 of the Society’s Constitution, the EPNS is governed by a Board consisting of at least 12 and a maximum of 25 members.
Co-opted EPNS Board members
The Board may co-opt additional members of the Society who applied to be a candidate but were not elected, to ensure a wide range of countries are represented and/or assist in carrying out the functions of the Board.
How long is the term of office?
The term of office of a member of the Board is for four years (January 2022-January 2026) and members of the Board are eligible for re-election.
A full copy of the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws can be viewed here https://www.epns.info/epns-constitution-bylaws/
When will the election take place?
The election will take place in September/October 2021 using a single transferable vote system operated by CIVICA, an external independent company. This is the same system which the EPNS has used in previous years and more information about the voting process will be sent to all Ordinary members nearer the time.
How do I apply to become a candidate for the EPNS Board?
If you are interested in becoming a member of the EPNS 2022-2026 Board, please send the following to Sue Hargreaves at info@epns.info before 14 September 2021 23:59:59 CET.
- Completed EPNS Board 2022-2026 Candidate Application Form: CLICK HERE Note: the total number of words used MUST NOT exceed the maximum stated. Any extra words cannot be used in the election.
- A recent photograph
When does the new 2022-2026 EPNS Board start?
The newly appointed EPNS board will start its activities by electing the Officers: President, two Secretaries, Treasurer and Committee Chairs. The first EPNS 2022-2026 Board meeting which will take place on 4-5 February 2022. The EPNS Board generally meets twice yearly and travel costs plus one night’s accommodation are usually refunded. Members of the EPNS Board are expected to participate in the committees that organise our Society's scientific, educational, and other activities.
If you have any questions, please email info@epns.info