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OTP 11709002- 20015329

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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Megkaptuk az EPNS ez évi továbbképző kurzusának részletes programját
    [2012.02.28.] - MGYIGYIT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Helyszín: Sarajevo, Bosnia
    Időpont: 2012. május 7-8.

    Monday/Tuesday 7/8 May 2012:
    Acute neurology and neuro-oncology with Oncology – A Problem –based approach
    Faculty – Richard Newton, Sergiusz Józwiak, David Walker, Colin Kennedy, Memet Ozek

    Acute neurology
    Participants will gain a clear understanding of:
    1. Evaluation of the comatose patient, diagnosis of death by neurological criteria, making decisions to withdraw care
    2. Intracranial pressure monitoring
    3. Severe acute agitation, dystonia, visual loss, limb weakness
    4. Status epilepticus, abnormal movements in an intensive care setting
    5. Non-surgical aspects of the care of children requiring urgent or emergency neurosurgical intervention
    6. Management of empyema, CNS abscess infection and acute intracranial haemorrhage

    Participants will gain a clear understanding of:
    1. Clinical features require CNS imaging for suspected tumour and factors leading to delay in diagnosis.
    2. Diagnosis, investigation and management of Tuberous Sclerosis, Neurofibromatosis 1 & 2 and identification of other conditions predisposing to CNS tumours
    3. Management of selected CNS tumours
    4. Adverse consequences, complications and late effects of CNS tumours and their treatment
    5. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation and intervention in survivors of childhood CNS tumours.
    6. Future prospects in paediatric neuro-oncology

    Wednesday/Thursday 9/10 May 2012:
    Immune-mediated and infective central nervous system disease
    Teaching Faculty: Marc Tardieu, Coriene Catsman, Ming Lim, Rachel Kneen

    Participants will gain a clear understanding of:
    1. Genetic and acquired risk factors for infections and immune mediated disease
    2. Immunological mechanisms relevant for infections and immune mediated disease
    3. Clinical presentation, diagnostic pitfalls, management and complications of acute bacterial intracranial infections, acute and chronic viral disease and the zoonoses which affect the central nervous system.
    4. Pathophysiology of immune mediated nervous system disease
    5. Diagnostic characteristics of ADEM, CIS, MS and mimics
    6. Clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges of auto-antibody diseases of the Central and peripheral nervous system
    7. Treatment modalities in immune mediated diseases of the CNS
    8. Diagnostic pitfalls in Guillain Barre syndrome and CIDP

    Further course details are at the website >>
